Saturday, October 30, 2010

For Liz with Love

Liz's grave has looked a little spare for almost four months.

We wanted you to know that Liz's headstone monument is in place as of Friday, October 29, 2010. It was custom designed by Brad, her very talented and loving father. He researched on the internet and learned that most monuments are made in China and shipped here through a middle man. He wrote to a company directly and asked them to create what he drew up for Liz.

The finished stone arrived in CA by ship about Oct 12th, right when Brad headed to Japan and China on business... and lost his cell phone on a train. (It was returned. Gotta love the Japanese.) I helped to expedite (?) matters from NY by email and phone. It arrived in Layton UT Monday and we saw it in person. McMullin had to arrange things with the cemetery people in Farmington. Brad and I met at the cemetery to see if it was in yet, then to go have lunch. While we were talking about when it might be done, the truck arrived. We stayed to watch. In about an hour they had it situated and leveled. It looks beautiful. Brad has added her picture in the oval shown. I just don't have that picture yet.

The granite is two colors - a dark red and a charcoal black color. The flowers in relief on the heart are also from the red stone; if it is not polished it looks different in color. There are roses on a stem that branches and covers both sides of the heart, and calla lilies too. These were the flowers Liz had chosen for her wedding.

Please feel free to visit her grave in the Farmington City Cemetery. You can't miss the big red heart near the road. :) We love her, and we know she loves us. We will always remember her talents and personality. At the bottom of the marker it states:
"Our love for Liz knows no bounds.
Our family is always and forever."

We saw JD briefly today and will see him again tomorrow. I miss him when we don't see him. We share our loss and our love of a wonderful young lady. Thanks to all of you who have helped us through the pain and emptiness so far. I keep thinking I am getting used to Liz being gone, then something else will trigger the ache again. It will continue, and it will get a little easier with time.

It doesn't change the part that matters most: I know God lives. I know he loves each of us, individually. I have faith in His plan for us. I know His Son, Jesus Christ, lived and taught and died and was resurrected for us, His spirit brothers and sisters. I take great comfort in knowing we can return to our Father's presence. I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon which spells out God's plan of happiness. Just reading a few verses can bring me such peace. I know this book of scripture was recorded for us, and translated by Joseph Smith, a prophet, by the gift and power of God. I know that through the power and authority of the Priesthood and the sacred ordinances of the temple, we can be together forever as families hereafter. I want to live my life the best I can so I will see my beautiful daughter again. I have no doubt she lives, and she loves. Liz is busily engaged. She is happy. I felt that so powerfully in the temple when I performed her temple work. I know she is grateful for her life and her own knowledge of the gospel, and that she feels great joy where she is. I cling to this almighty truth, my anchor and my rock - my testimony of the gospel. I invite any and all of you to learn more about it. My family echoes these thoughts. It makes all the difference.

1 comment:

Amber said...

What a beautiful testimony Aunt Tracy, I think of Liz often and pray for peace for your family.